Bridging Global Goals

A Journey Through International Trade Exhibition & Localized SDG Campaign

May 9, 2024

Ministry of Energy and Power Development - Permanent Secretary Dr Gloria Magombo, left, and the UNDP Resident Representative - Dr. Ayodele Odusola right at the UNDP stand

The recent participation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) marked a significant stride towards raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on both a global and local scale. Under the theme "Bridging Global Goals," the event served as a platform to not only showcase international trade opportunities but also to emphasize the importance of localized efforts in advancing the SDGs.
Dr. Ayodele Odusola, the UNDP Resident Representative, underscored the significance of UNDP's presence at the ZITF as a platform for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and fostering new partnerships. Speaking at the UNDP stand, Dr. Odusola emphasized the critical role of advocacy in promoting awareness and understanding of the SDGs and Agenda 2030. He highlighted the importance of engaging with stakeholders from various sectors, including government, civil society organizations, and development partners, to catalyze collective action towards sustainable development.
This year, UNDP’s presence at the ZITF was characterized by a multifaceted approach aimed at engaging diverse stakeholders and fostering inclusive development. One notable aspect was the involvement of youth ambassadors, such as Bracey Ndlovu, who articulated a vision for a more equitable world. Ndlovu's statement encapsulated the essence of the SDGs, particularly Goal 5 on Gender Equality, emphasizing the need for equal opportunities for women in employment and leadership roles. 

“I would like to see a world where everyone is equal regardless of gender, having equal access to employment and equal participation in leadership roles”


Mvehle Dude- Campaign Participant

“Women have an important role to play towards development in our communities and so do men but it’s important also to note our struggles & not differentiate them by gender” Mvehle added

Moreover, the emphasis on education for sustainable development was echoed throughout the event, with participants recognizing its pivotal role in driving behavior change and achieving the SDGs. The sentiment of "catch them young" underscored the importance of instilling sustainable practices and values in future generations. Quality and inclusive education emerged as a cornerstone for fostering the appropriate skills and mindset to address global challenges effectively.

The commitment to achieving SDG 4 on Quality Education was vividly demonstrated through the inspiring stories shared by individuals like Tendai Muchina and Otilia Maramwidze. Muchina's dedication to supporting less privileged family members with school fees and educational necessities exemplifies a grassroots approach to realizing the goal of education for all. His actions not only contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty but also embody the spirit of inclusivity inherent in the SDGs.
Similarly, Maramwidze’s advocacy for vulnerable pupils in Masvingo district underscores the importance of proactive measures in ensuring equitable access to education. By actively identifying and addressing the needs of marginalized students, she exemplifies the UNDP principle of “leaving no one behind.” Her tireless efforts in assisting approximately 300 vulnerable pupils, spanning from grade 3 to grade 7, highlight the transformative impact of individual initiatives in promoting educational equality. 

SDG Campaign participants at the UN Pavillion

Partnerships, particularly with the private sector, were highlighted as indispensable for SDG implementation. The recognition of private sector involvement is crucial for development and skills transfer, and also by leveraging the resources and expertise of both public and private entities, a more comprehensive and impactful response to the SDGs can be realized.

Geo Pomona, a waste management company, exemplifies the private sector's contribution to addressing the SDGs through innovative initiatives. By tackling environmental challenges and promoting sustainable practices, Geo Pomona demonstrates how businesses can play a pivotal role in advancing the global agenda for sustainable development. Speaking to Geo Pomona, Engineer Simbarashe Muchena said “Our work directly contributes to Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 7 Renewable Energy, and Goal 13 on Climate Action. By implementing efficient waste management systems and promoting recycling and resource recovery, the company not only minimizes environmental pollution but also conserves natural resources and mitigates climate change impacts.”

“Information is Power,” said Nduduzo Hlabangana “I am taking part in SDG3 Health and Wellbeing through mobilizing adolescent girls and young women to access health clinical services, this is because I want a Zimbabwe where youth leads in health Initiatives and economic strengthening initiatives – Nothing for them without them.”

In conclusion, the participation of UNDP and other stakeholders at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair served as a testament to the collective commitment towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and fostering inclusive development. The event provided a platform for advocacy, dialogue, and collaboration, highlighting the importance of localized efforts and partnerships in driving sustainable change.

Moving forward, by harnessing the power of collaboration and innovation, we can overcome the challenges ahead and work towards a future where the principles of the SDGs are not just aspirations but lived realities for all. Together, we can bridge global goals and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.