Ensuring no one is left behind in this fight against climate change and covering the gender gap.

Following the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Gender Action Plan (GAP) at the Conference of Parties (COP25), Zimbabwe has launched its Climate Change Gender Action Plan. The development of this action plan was informed by a gender analysis of climate change that was carried out in 2020 to support the systematic mainstreaming of gender in climate change.
The recently launched GAP seeks to support Zimbabwe’s vision for 2030 toward a transformed, inclusive, resilient, and more sustainable economy that leaves no one behind through addressing climate change vulnerabilities and advancing knowledge and understanding of gender-responsive climate action.
Speaking at the launch, Honourable Minister Sthembiso Nyoni, Ministry of Women Affairs Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development said, “Mainstreaming gender in Climate Change plays a huge role in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because of its inclusive nature and is one of the key enablers to steer Zimbabwe towards Vision 2030 trajectory of being a prosperous and empowered upper middle-income society for its citizens by 2030.”
GAP is a crucial tool for building the resilience of Zimbabwean communities to climate change as it will help to identify and address the specific vulnerabilities of women and girls in the face of climate change and support them in adapting to its impacts noted Mr. Jeremiah Mushosho, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Programme Specialist in Environment, Climate Change & Renewable Energy in his remarks during the launch of the GAP. Integrating gender considerations into climate change policy and programming ensures women's needs, perspectives, and voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes.
Civil Society Organizations, Donor Organizations, Stakeholders, and Government Departments had an opportunity to share with the audience solidarity messages showing commitment to this fight against climate change.
Acknowledging that it is crucial for women to establish their own green local communities, manage their own environments to fight against the impacts of climate change, and importantly encourage women to participate in climate monitoring operations. Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry, Honourable Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu highlighted in closing, “It has been noted that women and men are differentially affected by the impacts of climate with women bearing the greatest brunt of the impacts of climate change. It is therefore important that plans, strategies, and budgets are gender sensitive and gender-responsive to address climate change-related gender inequalities.”
The just-launched GAP recognizes the gap that exists between men and women and fosters gender-sensitive climate change mitigation and adaptation actions and will work towards strengthening the integration of gender considerations in the implementation of the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) and the national climate change policies, strategies, plans, programmes, and projects.
UNDP in collaboration with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equity (UNWomen), the Ministry of Women Affairs Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development, and the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry supported the Government of Zimbabwe in the development of this plan.
UNDP also supported the development of the Gender and Climate Change Training Manual, which works as a practical guide and training tool to support the integration of gender equality in Climate Change Interventions.