a row of wooden benches sitting on top of a chair

Support to Parliament of Zimbabwe

Project Title: Parliament Support Programme


Brief Description:

The Constitution of Zimbabwe promulgated in 2013 expanded the powers of Parliament in line with the doctrine of the Separation of Powers, between and amongst the Judiciary, the Executive, and Parliament as outlined in Section 119 conferring Parliament with the power to protect the Constitution and promote democratic governance in Zimbabwe. 

This aligned with the institutional reform dating back to 1996 when the Parliament of Zimbabwe embarked on a comprehensive reform programme to; strengthen the capacity of Members of Parliament and staff to contribute effectively to Parliament proceedings, improve internal systems and procedures of the house, and, increase public participation in the legislative process and enhance the oversight role with emphasis on promoting efficient management of public resources. Over the years, the institution has been strategic in improving democratic governance and increasing its demand for accountability by embarking on a legislative reform drive to align all pieces of legislation to the Constitution following best practices. 

The new Action therefore seeks to build from the lessons from previous Parliamentary Support Programmes particularly the PSP (2014-2019) and innovatively support the Parliament of Zimbabwe mainly in undertaking its legislative, oversight, and representative roles to ensure that constitutional provisions are operationalized with emphasis on protecting human rights and promoting transparency, accountability and democratic governance.



citizens participated in law and budget making and other parliamentary
processes during the enactment of 22 pieces of legislation.

Technical and advisory support provided to the Parliament of Zimbabwe and staff in contemporary parliamentary development issues.


Female Members of Parliament across the political divide were supported in leadership and political participation through the Zimbabwe Women's Parliamentary caucas

Migration to E-Library for the Parliament of Zimbabwe which is accessed by all staff members and MPs in Zimbabwe.

Technical and financial support top the Parliament Training Academy, the first of its kind in Zimbabwe

SDGs Addressed