UNDP Albania
Community Infrastructure Support - CIS
“Community Infrastructure Support” (CIS) Project, is funded by the Denmark and United Kingdom and aims to support national and local governments in reducing further social and economic losses, and to accelerate the recovery process through educational facility repair and reconstruction. It is implemented by UNDP in collaboration with the Government of Albania.
- The objectives of the Project are: (i) to support repairing and reconstruction, including basic furnishing, of 3 (three) education facilities in Durrës Municipality affected by the earthquake according to international standards and (ii) to provide increased transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness to the recovery process.
- Target education facilities: a) Repair of 9-year school “Zyber Sallaku”, Manëz; Repair of Joint High School “Jusuf Hoti”, and reconstruction of kindergarten, Katund i Ri; c) Reconstruction of Kindergarten “Isuf Ferra” & repair of gym of 9-year school “Isuf Ferra”, Shkozet.
- CIS is in line with 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and more specifically with SDG 4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”: SDG 10 “Reduced inequalities”, and SDG 17 “Partnership for Goals”.
- The project’s total budget is EUR 2,300,000; EUR 1,955,000/funded by Government of Denmark and EUR 345,000/funded by United Kingdom. Durrës Municipality has co-funded also a budget of EUR 400,000. The project’s duration is 28 months.
The "Community Infrastructure Support" (CIS) Project aids Albania in its recovery from the 6.4-magnitude earthquake that struck the country on 26 November 2019. 51 people were killed and at least 913 others were hurt because of the earthquake. With a combined population of around 1,185,286 people, eleven municipalities spread across three prefectures (Tirana, Durrës and Lezha) have experienced varied degrees of damage as a result of the earthquake, with 202,291 individuals being directly or indirectly impacted. Government reports claimed that 17,090 of the affected residents were forced to leave their homes. The Albanian government declared a State of Natural Emergency in the three prefectures for the first time in recent memory. Housing (78.5%), the productive (8.4%) and educational (7.5%) sectors are the sectors where most of the damages are reported.

Major achievements
Several meetings are conducted with Durrës Municipality to discuss the scope of cooperation, roles, and responsibilities. MoU is already signed between the two parties.
Technical assessment of the three education facilities is undertaken to identify the needs for infrastructure intervention. ToR and technical specifications for the design and supervision are prepared and posted.
The first Steering Committee Meeting is organized on 8th of February 2022.
Following the “Build Back Together” principle, three consultation meetings to discuss the draft project proposals are conducted during May - June 2022, with participation of 61 representatives from the facilities’ staff, students, parents, and local government.
Construction companies are selected through an open procurement process.
Civil works to reconstruct/repair the education facilities have already started for three facilities during April – June 2023.
HSE training sessions and inspections are organized in the three construction sites. The training is performed by an independent certified consultant, who makes sure all workers/specialists in the construction site understand the HSE principles, methods, and standards.
A design confirmation meeting is organized in June 2023 with the principles of the three education facilities to validate the final technical design, which is prepared following the consultation meeting and considering the recommendations of the beneficiaries.
Project Outcome
3 (three) educational facilities repaired and/or reconstructed in the affected municipality of Durrës, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, inclusiveness, and environmental protection and quality of education environment improved.
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