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Contact Us

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To find out more about UNDP Bangladesh’s impact at the community level, please join us on Facebook: is external) and follow us on Twitter: @UNDP_BD

Mailing Address: C/O UNDP, G.P.O Box No. 224, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh

Office Address: UNDP, UN Offices, 18th Floor, IDB Bhaban,Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh

Telephone:    +880 2 55667788 / +880 9609556677         Fax:    +880 2 9183099

Working Hours Sunday - Thursday 0800h - 1630h [Bangladesh Standard Time / BST] 0200h - 1030h [UTC / GMT] Please note that BST is UTC + 6 hrs