Frequently asked questions

What is UNDP?

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

We are on the ground in some 170 countries and territories, supporting their own solutions to development challenges and developing national and local capacities that will help them achieve human development(link is external) and the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated on three main focus areas:

UNDP helps countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we promote gender equality(link is external) and the protection of human rights.

How is UNDP related to the UN?

UNDP is at the centre of the UN’s efforts to reduce global poverty. At the global level, UNDP Administrator is the Vice-Chair of the United Nations Development Group(link is external) (UNDG), which includes the UN’s key players in international development. UNDP is also helping to reinforce joint action on development in such forums as the Economic and Social Council, and the General Assembly of the United Nations. At the country level, UNDP plays two important roles, one as a partner for development work and the other as manager of the Resident Coordinator system. Through its "integrator role", UNDP provides dedicated support to policy advice and ‘whole of government/system’ solutions to multi-sectoral challenges. UNDP’s country, regional and global presence also support integration across policy, programme, and operations.

Moreover, UNDP's support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) puts partnership at the centre of all aspects of our work. Click here(link is external) to learn more about UNDP’s partners.

Where is UNDP located?

UNDP has its headquarters in New York City, but works primarily through its offices in about 170 countries and territories. Most of these offices have websites, a list of UNDP countries and territories' websites is available on our home page.

UNDP Headquarters(link is external)
One United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: (212) 906-5000
Fax: (212) 906-5364

UNDP Office of Communications
Tel: 1 (212) 906 5382

UNDP also has Representation Offices and Regional Centres at the following locations:

invalid link: /content/brussels/en/home.htmlBrussels Representation Office
14 Rue Montoyer B-1000
Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: (32-2) 505 4620
Fax: (32-2) 505 4729
E-mail: ecsupport@undp.be

Geneva Representation Office(link is external)
Palais des Nations CH-1211
Genève 10, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 917 1234
Fax: (41-22) 917 0123
E-mail: registry.ch@undp.org

Nordic Representation Office(link is external)
UN City, Marmorvej 5,
2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel: (45) 45 33 5000

Tokyo Representation Office(link is external)
UN House 8F
5-53-70 Jingumae
Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
Tel: (813) 5467 4751
Fax: (813) 5467 4753

Washington Representation Office(link is external)
1775 K Street, NW, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Tel: 1 (202) 331 9130
Fax: 1 (202) 331 9363    

Regional Centre in Cairo(link is external)
1191 Corniche El Nil, World Trade Centre
PO Box 982, Post Code 11599
Boulac, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (202) 2578 4840 - 6
Fax: (202) 2578 4847

Regional Centre in Bangkok(link is external)
United Nations Service Building
3rd floor, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (66) 2288 2129
Fax: (66) 2288 3032  

Regional Centre in Istanbul(link is external)
Yalıköskü Cad, No: 16, Floor:3, Fatih
34112 Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: (+90) 212 512 58 53

Pacific Centre(link is external)
c/o UNDP
Private Mail Bag
Suva, Fiji
Tel: (679) 330 0399
Fax: (679) 330 1976   

Regional Centre in Panamá(link is external)
Casa de las Naciones Unidas Panamá
Clayton, Ciudad del Saber
Apartado Postal 0816-1914 z
Panamá, República de Panamá
Tel: (507) 302 4500
Fax: (507) 302 4602

When and how did UNDP come into being?

UNDP is based on the merging of the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, created in 1949, and the United Nations Special Fund, established in 1958. UNDP, as we know it now, was established in 1965 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. A comprehensive book on the history of UNDP entitled The United Nations Development Programme, A better way? was published in 2006 and can be purchased at the UN Bookshop(link is external) or directly from the publisher(link is external).

Does UNDP offer financial assistance to individuals for study/training programmes or other type of projects?

No. UNDP's mandate does not permit us to provide financial assistance to individuals (including students seeking scholarships for their studies), companies or private groups. We work in collaboration with governments on development programmes and projects. To learn more about UNDP’s work with civil society organizations, the private sector, foundations and key donors and partners, please visit our Partners web page. If you wish to learn more about UNDP's ongoing projects and programmes in your country, please contact your local Country Office.

I am a vendor looking for business opportunities with UNDP. Whom should I contact?

Current procurement notices for vendors are available on the Procurement Notices(link is external) website. General information on UNDP’s procurement processes, such as the solicitation procedures for the procurement of goods and services, FAQs, statistics and more is available on the UNDP Procurement(link is external) website.

How can I access UNDP publications?

You can access most of UNDP’s publications on our Publications(link is external) website. This site includes flagship and most recent publications and links to publications by topic and region. If you need country-specific documentation, we suggest you visit the relevant UNDP Country Office website.

Does UNDP have an annual report, or a document describing activities and financial aspects of its work?

UNDP In Focus (link is external)annual reports summarize UNDP’s main activities, showcase success stories on the ground and contain information on where our money comes from and how we spend it. The website of UNDP’s main governing body, the Executive Board(link is external), contains major policy, financial, budgetary and administrative-related documents.

How is UNDP accountable for its work?

UNDP has a long-standing commitment to accountabilit(link is external)y and transparency(link is external), with UNDP Country Offices publishing financial, procurement and programme information on their respective websites each year.  UNDP has developed and published an Information Disclosure Policy(link is external) that makes clear our commitment to making information about our programmes and operations available to the public. Moreover, as part of UNDP’s strategy to strengthen the accountability framework for the Organization and to provide opportunities for bringing to light any misconduct, wrongdoing by any individuals working for or doing business with UNDP, the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) has established an Investigations Hotline(link is external) and other measures to ensure that persons wishing to report fraud may do so, free of charge, using a number of different options.

I wish to file a complaint against a UNDP staff member or about a UNDP project, programme or operation. Whom can I contact?

UNDP takes all reports of alleged wrongdoing seriously. Anyone with information regarding fraud against UNDP programmes or involving UNDP staff is strongly encouraged to report this information through the Investigation Hotline.You can file a complaint against a UNDP staff member or about a UNDP project, programme or operation by using the online referral form(link is external) or by calling the UNDP Investigation Hotmail at 770-776-5678 worldwide or 877-557-8685 in the USA.

What is the Human Development Report?

The annual Human Development Report is UNDP’s flagship independent publication.  Its editorial autonomy is guaranteed by a special resolution of the General Assembly (A/RES/57/264(link is external)), which recognizes the Human Development Report as “an independent intellectual exercise” and “an important tool for raising awareness about human development around the world". The reports focus the global debate on key development issues, providing new measurement tools, innovative analysis and often controversial policy proposals. They are guided by the belief that development is ultimately a process of enlarging people’s choices, not just raising national incomes. The independent teams of experts who write the Reports draw on a worldwide network of leaders from academia, government and civil society who contribute data, ideas, and best practices. For further information and to access global, regional or national human development reports online please visit the HDR Web site(link is external).

What is the policy regarding the reproduction of materials found on the website?

All materials found on UNDP websites are copyrighted(link is external) to UNDP.

Content found on the website or in UNDP publications (or parts thereof) may be reproduced, as long as due credit is given to the source. For online references, please link to the original source on undp.org.

For copyrights permissions concerning Human Development Reports (HDRs): UNDP owns the copyright to all materials in the HDRs but the publishers manage them for UNDP. For further advice please contact the Outreach and Advocacy Unit(link is external) of the HDR Office.

I am looking for a former/present staff member. Could you give me his/her phone number or e-mail address?

We are not authorized to provide e-mail addresses of former or present staff members. You may however call +1 (212) 906-5000 to obtain UN/UNDP staff directory assistance.

I want to make a donation to UNDP that is tax deductible in the United States. To whom do I make the check, and to what address do I send the contribution?

You can make a donation through UNDP's giving platform: https://digitalgood.undp.org/(link is external). Please follow the links at checkout for US citizens to receive a tax deductible receipt from our partners the United Nations Foundation.  

I have received a suspicious e-mail, supposedly from UNDP, informing me that I have won money/that I have been selected for a UNDP training programme/job. I suspect it is a scam. What should I do?

UNDP is aware of fictitious vacancy announcements that are being circulated through the internet, the purpose of which is to get people to register for a training and send in a fee. Since logos, emblems, names and addresses can be easily copied or reproduced, you are advised to take particular care in applying for vacancies, including undertaking all appropriate measures to protect against the unauthorized use of any personal information you may have provided as a result of the scam. Victims of scams may also wish to report them to local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action. Click here to learn more about UNDP policy toward scam.

How do I apply for a job with UNDP?

All current UNDP vacancies and online application forms are available on our Jobs(link is external) website. This site also includes links to the Leadership Development Programme, Junior Professional Officers' Programme, UN Volunteers, consultancies and internships. Click here(link is external) to learn more about UNDP Jobs offer.

How do I apply for an internship with UNDP?

For information on Internships at UNDP, please visit our Internships website. The internship application process is decentralized, which means that you have to send your internship application directly to the Country Office or the headquarters' unit that you are interested in applying to.

Does UNDP accept volunteers?

Yes. In 2010, more than 7,700 UN volunteers from 160 countries supported UN partners in their peace and development activities in the field.

Click here(link is external) to learn more about volunteering at UNDP.