How we do business

To ensure our ongoing support to development processes in Bangladesh, the UNDP procures a significant volume of goods and services. As a public organisation, entrusted with donor funds and committed to supporting Bangladesh’s economy, the UNDP abides by the following principles:

Best Value for Money: Selecting the offer that best meets the end-users’ needs and that presents the best return on investment. Best Value for Money is based on several factors, including quality, experience, the vendor’s reputation, life-cycle costs and benefits, and parameters that measure how well the good or service allows the organisation to meet its social, environmental or other strategic objectives.

Fairness, Integrity and Transparency: Ensures that competitive processes are fair, open, and rules-based. All potential vendors are treated equally, and the process features clear evaluation criteria, unambiguous solicitation instructions, realistic requirements, and rules and procedures that are easy to understand.

Effective International Competition: All potential vendors receive timely and adequate information on UNDP requirements, as well as equal opportunity to participate in procurement actions, and restricts them only when it is absolutely necessary to achieve UNDP development goals.

In Line with UNDP Standards: Meaning that business transactions must conform to the mandates and principles of the UNDP and the United Nations.

The UNDP strictly observes its financial rules and regulations. While this may sometimes lengthen the procurement process, UNDP Bangladesh applies more flexible methods for low-value/low-risk purchasing, and approves purchase orders electronically, all of which save time and money for the organisation and its vendors.

UNDP Policy against Fraud and other Corrupt Practices

More on UNDP Procurement procedures

Available Opportunities

Development AreaTitleLocationReference NumberPostedDeadline
OTHERIC: Strategic Communication Advisor - UNDP - BANGLADESHUNDPUNDP-BGD-0082217-Mar-2506-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERHiring National Consultant – Project Management Online Course Development - UNDP - BANGLADESHUNDPUNDP-BGD-0082517-Mar-2506-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERHiring IC "Senior Advisor: Strengthening Social Protection Governance" - UNDP - BANGLADESHUNDPUNDP-BGD-0082317-Mar-2506-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERNational Consultant – Integrating human security in development programming. - UNDP - BANGLADESHUNDPUNDP-BGD-0081127-Feb-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERContracting a Firm for Conducting the Final Evaluation of the LoGIC Project - UNDP - BANGLADESHUNDPUNDP-BGD-00820,110-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)