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Knowledge for Development Management (K4DM) Phase-II


The Knowledge for Development Management (K4DM) Project is a joint initiative of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and UNDP Bangladesh that was undertaken in the context of the UNDAF Action Plan during the period of January 2015 to December 2020. In Phase-I, K4DM has: 

  • Engaged Non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) in national development 

  • Promoted South-South & Triangular Cooperation in national development 

  • Established a national knowledge repository called ‘ERDPEDIA.’ 

  • Enhanced capacity of the government officials 

  • Published National Human Development Report (NHDR) 

In light of this, K4DM Phase-II sets to achieve a lasting impact that enables GoB to accelerate resource mobilization towards LDC graduation by addressing two specific development challenges that Bangladesh may face: 

a) Accelerate the capacity of ERD, especially in relation to its ability to undertake evidence-based decision-making and engage effectively in the international arena for promoting national development interests; and 

b) Mobilize maximum external economic resources through developing a comprehensive external resource mobilization strategy that would explore alternative sources of funding in addition to ongoing sources and create more sustainable partnerships among government agencies and civil society. 

Area of Work 

  • Institutional Approach for Capacity Building Adopted; 

  • Enabling environment for evidence-based policy making strengthened; 

  • External Resource Mobilization Capacity Strengthened; 

  • Institutions and Modality for South-South and Triangular Cooperation Strengthened. 

Significant Achievements 

  • Capacity development initiatives have long-term impacts on policy formulation, decision-making, external resource mobilization and management systems. 

  • A learning platform has been established within ERD, which has increased the opportunity for analyzing critical economic issues, accelerating preparation for facing the challenges of LDC Graduation. 

  • The National Human Development Report (NHDR) 2021 has been published. 

  • A comprehensive knowledge repository called ‘ERDPEDIA’ has been created as an institutional memory of ERD. 

  • SSC&TrC programme has contributed to national development through active engagement with global platforms along with involving 27 line ministries and civil society organizations through knowledge management. 

  • A knowledge hub on South-South Cooperation has developed to share the best practices and research of the southern countries. 

  • Number of studies contributed to enhancing ERD’s knowledge on strategizing resource mobilization and economic growth. 


The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) accelerates knowledge management and resource mobilization toward LDC graduation.

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