Digital Literacy for Employability and Entrepreneurship among Cambodian Youth

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Digital Literacy for Employability and Entrepreneurship among Cambodian Youth

September 25, 2020

Aiming to contribute to the overall skill development and employment of Cambodian youth, the objective of this assignment is to establish evidence-based information and insights on digital literacy among young Cambodians. The specific objectives are: 

1. Assess the digital literacy and related digital skills for employability and entrepreneurship of Cambodian youths aged between 15 and 30. Having virtually no information on the state of digital literacy of young Cambodians, development  interventions aiming to promote digital economy are facing various uncertainties on whether their work is realistic, relevant and sustainable. Building a baseline understanding or insight into the status quo of the digital capability of Cambodian youth is increasingly viewed an urgent undertaking, underpinning the success of future development initiatives.

2. Based on the assessment findings mandated by the objective above, propose a digital skill framework and develop a responding policy brief. The results from the first objective are expected to provide needed inputs into the development of a framework and a policy brief that will be used to partially guide future digital development initiatives.

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