Civic engagement

Free and safe spaces for civic engagement are the cornerstones of a vibrant and inclusive society. They allow people to shape public decisions that affect their lives and engage in dialogue with public authorities, but also to transform their own communities and join hands with others to devise innovative development solutions.

UNDP nurtures spaces for civic engagement in multiple ways. 

A key dimension of this work is promoting regulatory frameworks that guarantee the exercise of the freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly in line with human rights standards. This includes provisions geared at ensuring the safety of human rights defenders.

UNDP also assists a range of public institutions in the development of an appropriate citizen participation infrastructure. A strong emphasis of these efforts is enabling public input to policymaking, as well social accountability. 

The facilitation of inclusive dialogue processes is another way in which UNDP can open avenues for civic engagement. These processes are typically multi-stakeholder in nature, can range from the local to the national level and cover a broad range of development issues.

Finally, support to civil society organizations is foundational to the work UNDP carries out to promote civic engagement. This work includes the direct provision of assistance as well as work with partners for the creation of public civil society support mechanisms.


  • UNDP’s work on civic space is consistent with the UN Guidance Note on Protection and Promotion of Civic Space. Check the Note here(link is external).
  • Want to learn more about promoting human rights based legal frameworks for civic space? Check the UNDP-ICNL practical toolkit
  • Want to learn more about promoting human rights-based multistakeholder partnerships? Check the UNDP-UNDESA guidance note.