Equality in participation

Some segments of society experience unique legal, cultural and practical barriers that prevent them from fully engaging in public life. In order for the public sphere to be genuinely open and inclusive, deliberate efforts are required to remove these barriers, but also to address capacity differentials resulting from histories of marginalization.

UNDP pursues multiple strategies to ensure members of society have equal participation opportunities.

It promotes the removal of discriminatory legal provisions by highlighting their inconsistency with human rights, documenting their negative impact on society and offering guidance on alternative regulatory approaches.

It also addresses cultural barriers to inclusion through different forms of public communication and dialogue as well as aiding groups experiencing discrimination in challenging misconceptions and stereotypes.

Another important area of work is promoting accessibility of participation mechanisms and information channels. A strong emphasis in this context is placed on the participation of people experiencing exclusion in the codesign of relevant processes. 

Furthermore, UNDP strengthens the capacities of historically discriminated groups through opportunities for training and experiential learning and by supporting organizations representing marginalized segments of society. 

Youth empowerment and disability inclusion are also important dimensions of this work. Click on the menu items on the left.

  • Want to know more about UNDP’s Leaving No One Behind conceptual framework? Check this policy brief.