Open and Inclusive public sphere

An open and inclusive public sphere is not only a condition for the realization of the right to participate in the conduct of public affairs. It is also an enabler of peace and development. 

Across development contexts, openness and inclusiveness in the public sphere have proven to be powerful drivers of accountable and responsive governance. At the same time, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that countries with more open and inclusive governance arrangements are better equipped to deal with social tensions before they are mobilized into violence. Furthermore, empirical evidence shows that key features of an open and inclusive public sphere are associated with stronger social protection systems, less poverty and more equitably distributed growth.

UNDP promotes an open and public sphere through integrated work in four priority areas: i) Nurturing spaces for civic engagement; ii) Enabling access to quality information; iii) Culture and education for constructive engagement; iv) Promoting equal participation in the public sphere. 

Youth empowerment and disability inclusion are also important dimensions of this work.

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