In North Lombok, a Community Helps Rebuild their Market

August 12, 2020

When a village in North Lombok lost their central market when an earthquake ravaged the area in 2018, they lost the focal point of their community. Now, with financial assistance from UNDP’s PETRA project, residents of Genggelang village in Indonesia’s West Nusa Tenggara Province are coming together to help rebuild their community’s central stomping grounds.

The Genggelang village market in North Lombok sold everything from food to children’s toys. For the 11,530 residents of this village, it was more than a place to shop for everyday needs and the occasional treat. It was where the community gathered to catch up on local gossip, to check on the well-being of their neighbors and to spend time with friends. The earthquake may have destroyed the physical structure that brought the community together, but it didn’t destroy the spirit of camaraderie.

The PETRA project, in partnership with local CSO Paluma Nusantara will bring the community together between August and November and help in the reconstruction effort.

Community leaders and officials gathered for the official groundbreaking ceremony on July 30 to mark the start of the reconstruction of what North Lombok Regent dr H. Najmul Ahyar described as a critical asset to the local economy.

The reconstruction will provide employment for 20 workers – 13 men and seven women- and will include training in construction including workplace safety and security. The work is expected to provide short term income for these families who are also experiencing the devastating economic impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The work has given hope to IbuKasyuni, who has been unemployed since the disaster. For years she helped her sister harvest her cacao tree and lived off the limited income it produced. “I have been given an opportunity to work in construction,” she says. “Now I will gain a new experience and skill set. More importantly, I will get a good income to support my family,” adds the mother of three and grandmother of six.

For 55-year old Zaki, who is a skilled construction worker by trade, reconstructing the market will give him the opportunity to head the team. “I am happy that the planning process of market construction went well. Our voices were heard,” he says.

Construction is expected to be completed by November 2020 and will be managed independently by village-owned enterprise, Badan Usaha Milik Desa.

The Programme for Earthquake and Tsunami Infrastructure Reconstruction Assistance (PETRA) project is implemented by UNDP with financial support from the Federal Republic of Germany through its development bank, KfW.


Text and Photos: Zaenudin Zein

Edited by Ranjit Jose and Suryo Tomi