International Day of Mangrove Conservation: AIS Forum plants more than 2,000 mangrove in four countries

July 26, 2024
a group of people sitting on a bench

Jakarta, 26th July 2024 - Commemorating the International Day of Mangrove Conservation that is observed annually on 26th July, the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum planted over 2,100 mangrove seeds through ten programmes held in four AIS countries namely Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Dominican Republic, and Barbados from 2023. This year, AIS Forum also added another 200 mangrove seeds at the Mangrove Ecotourism Area in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta. Titled “Plantastic Mangrove Day,” the event was held in collaboration with Divers Clean Action (DCA) and fully supported by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI).

Mangroves play numerous vital roles and offer benefits for ecosystem sustainability, they become highly productive elements that provide habitats for various species in coastal areas, serve as effective large-scale carbon absorbers, and protect shorelines from erosion and storm damage. Therefore, continuing from last year's initiative, where the AIS Forum held activities in both Indonesia and the Dominican Republic, this year's event was held to continue to raise awareness of the critical importance of mangroves to the surrounding environment of coastal communities, as well as making a direct impact in preserving the ecosystems.

“We recognise that the preservation of mangrove ecosystems is crucial, not only for the environment but also for the coastal communities that benefit and depend on them for their livelihoods. Therefore, the AIS Forum, in collaboration with DCA and Kemenkomarves, is committed to conservation efforts, involving all societal elements to create a broader and more sustainable impact,” said Riny Modaso, Head of the AIS Forum Secretariat.

a group of people standing next to a tree

For the AIS Forum, these efforts are part of a broader strategy to highlight the importance of mangroves in combating climate change, promoting biodiversity, and supporting local economies. By engaging local communities and international partners, the AIS Forum aims to create a global network committed to mangrove conservation and restoration.

Sora Lokita, Assistant Deputy from CMMAI, expressed his strong support for the AIS Forum's continued commitment to environmental conservation. "These efforts demonstrate the critical role that consistent and collaborative action plays in preserving our natural resources. The government fully supports these initiatives because it reflects a sustained endeavor to safeguard our environment and engage communities in meaningful ways. The continuity and dedication shown by the AIS Forum are vital in driving real change and ensuring the health of our coastal ecosystems for future generations."

Attended by over 50 participants ranging from various communities, including volunteers, youth, and women, participants were given the opportunity to plant mangrove seedlings, guided by experts from the Mangrove Ecotourism Center management. This event also concluded with educational sessions and a brief tour discussing the different types of mangroves, how to maintain and preserve them, and also their environmental benefits. These activities aim to foster participants' awareness and empower them to play an active role in achieving a sustainable future.

By commemorating International Mangrove Conservation Day and hosting events like this annually, the AIS Forum and all involved parties hope to reinforce their commitment to not only preserving and maintaining the environment but also to spreading and enhancing awareness among a wider community, working together to protect and build ecosystems, particularly in coastal areas, to achieve a bright and sustainable future.