#SheDisrupts2023 Startup Stories: Connecting Breastfeeding Donors with Mothers in Need across Indonesia

June 15, 2023
donASI is committed to establishing an inclusive ecosystem for women and dismantling the prevailing stigma in Indonesia that places the sole responsibility of breastfeeding on mothers.

donASI is committed to establishing an inclusive ecosystem for women and dismantling the prevailing stigma in Indonesia that places the sole responsibility of breastfeeding on mothers.

Amid the pandemic, Soraya and Vidya, the co-founders of DonASI, found themselves scrolling through their phones when they stumbled upon a heartfelt plea from a local mother. She was struggling to provide breast milk for her children, while stories emerged of mothers with an excess supply unsure of what to do with it. This sparked a realisation within Soraya and Vidya that there was a deeper issue at play.

Delving deeper into the matter, they discovered a profound lack of education on the importance of breastfeeding, compounded by social barriers, stigma, and inadequate support that hindered the well-being of infants. Their investigation revealed that even in cases where mothers were unable to provide breast milk due to illness or unfortunate events, formula milk couldn't adequately substitute breast milk, potentially leading to developmental issues.

Breastfeeding remains a global challenge. Merely 44% of infants worldwide receive exclusive breastfeeding in their first six months, as per WHO's 2015-2020 data.[1] In Indonesia, the rate sinks even lower to a mere 41%. Regrettably, DonASI's research confirms that many mistakenly choose formula milk, unaware of its inadequacy as a breast milk substitute.

Why does formula prevail over breastfeeding in Indonesia? Multiple reasons contribute to this phenomenon. Cultural norms often grant fathers decision-making power, even if they lack awareness of the benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding practices. This easily leads them to choose formula. Some mothers with multiple children claim they can no longer breastfeed, while others see formula milk as a status symbol, unaware of the crucial importance of breast milk. And some simply give up on breastfeeding and opt for formula instead.

This trend emphasizes the ongoing necessity for breast milk and the lack of maternal education and equity in breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding is crucial for infants' healthy development, particularly in underserved areas at risk of stunted growth.

DonASI was established as a social startup with the aim of bridging the gap between those who have excess supply and those who need breast milk for their children. The startup operates through a user-friendly digital platform, prioritizing safety and privacy through a meticulous curation process. By offering comprehensive services such as donor search, registration, delivery, education, consultation, and community engagement, DonASI empowers women and ensures they have access to the information and support they need. Their mission is to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia, preventing stunting and reducing infant mortality.

donASI's impact aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their participation in the She Disrupts Indonesia 2023 program reflects their commitment to achieving these goals.

DonASI's impact aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their participation in the She Disrupts Indonesia 2023 program reflects their commitment to achieving these goals.

donASI's Contribution to Sustainable Development:

To bridge this gap, DonASI was founded as a social startup. This innovative venture connects breastfeeding donors with those in need through a user-friendly digital platform. DonASI empowers women by providing information and services like donor search, registration, delivery, education, consultation, and community engagement. DonASI's mission is to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia, preventing stunting and reducing infant mortality.

DonASI's impact aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their participation in the She Disrupts Indonesia 2023 program reflects their commitment to achieving these goals. This venture competition and pre-acceleration program, launched by Moonshot Ventures and Creatella Impact in collaboration with Sasakawa Peace Foundation, UNDP, UN Women, and Monk's Hill Ventures, focuses on women-led ventures and ventures with women beneficiaries.

During the program, DonASI aimed to learn how to measure and manage their impacts effectively. While they understood the importance of quantifying their results, they lacked a structured evaluation method. Women's entrepreneurship played a vital role in the program's objective of empowering women, serving as a significant motivator for DonASI's participation.

"Previously, we were limited to measuring DonASI's internal impact. However, through this program, we have been able to align DonASI's goals with the achievement of SDGs. We can now incorporate indicators in our programs through the Impact Measurement and Management (IMM), enabling us to track and evaluate our impact more effectively." Vidya stated.

In terms of impact, DonASI aims to contribute towards the achievement of the following SDGs: (1) zero hunger (SDG 2): reducing hunger and malnutrition, promoting total child growth, and development in the early years of life by ensuring access to breastfeeding, (2) good health and well-being (SDG 3): Improving the physical and mental health and well-being of mothers and children by advocating breastfeeding, providing lactation counseling, and training healthcare workers, (3) gender equality (SDG 5): Empowering women and girls to achieve gender parity by enabling their education, employment, and reproductive autonomy by providing education, counseling, and adequate breastfeeding support.

donASI's mission is to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia, preventing stunting and reducing infant mortality.

donASI's mission is to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia, preventing stunting and reducing infant mortality.

DonASI is committed to establishing an inclusive ecosystem for women and dismantling the prevailing stigma in Indonesia that places the sole responsibility of breastfeeding on mothers. They emphasize that breastfeeding is not limited to nursing mothers alone; it involves all family members and those in the mother's immediate surroundings. By working together, DonASI aims to achieve better exclusive breastfeeding for infants in Indonesia, ensuring every child's right to be breastfed. Through their dedication and human touch, DonASI exemplifies the power of connecting individuals and communities to drive sustainable development and create a brighter future for all.


Written by Fathi Arsadipura and Adzraa Shaffa Andira (Innovative Financing Lab, UNDP Indonesia)

Edited by Enggi Dewanti