Strengthening Gender Equality and Social Inclusion: A Strategic Mission to UNDP Indonesia

September 6, 2024
a group of people sitting at a table

Discussion on integrating gender perspectives into the Country Office's key program areas

UNDP Indonesia

UNDP Indonesia is unwavering in its commitment to advancing gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) as essential elements of its work. As part of the Country Programme Document (CPD) 2021-2025, the Country Office (CO) has continuously prioritized GESI, ensuring no one is left behind. To further align with global priorities, UNDP Indonesia recently updated its Gender Equality Strategy (2021-2025) to reflect the UNDP Global Gender Equality Strategy (2022-2025), setting a clear path for integrating gender equality across all its initiatives.

UNDP Indonesia’s effort in gender mainstreaming has been recognized globally. In October 2020, the CO became the first in the region to receive the Gold Certificate for the UNDP Gender Equality Seal, solidifying its role as a CO in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. With this prestigious certification set to expire in 2025, the CO is actively preparing for reassessment to retain its gold standard.

To support these efforts, UNDP Indonesia welcomed Yenny Widjaja, Gender Specialist and Gender Seal Coordinator for Asia-Pacific, for a four-day mission in May 2024. Her visit focused on providing strategic guidance and assessing the CO’s readiness for the upcoming Gender Equality Seal reassessment.

Yenny Widjaja engaged with the entire CO team, including program, operations, and communications staff during her mission. The discussions centered on integrating gender perspectives into the CO’s four key program clusters: Environment, Resilience and Reconstruction, Democratic Governance and Poverty Reduction, and Innovative Financing. The mission also explored ways to strengthen gender equality outcomes across all CO work areas by addressing roles, achievements, challenges, and innovative strategies.

Yenny said,” Gender Seal certification will increase the UNDP's position as a trusted development partner, with strong commitment and expertise towards achieving inclusive sustainable development goals. UNDP Indonesia has a proven track as a gold gender seal holder, where the certification supports the institutional transformation of GESI and advances UNDP's positioning as a gender advocate.    ”

Yenny’s mission extended beyond internal consultations. She also met with key external stakeholders, including donors and civil society organizations, to explore collaboration opportunities on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) initiatives. Insights from groups such as the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities (HWDI) provided valuable perspectives on how UNDP can further support GESI across various development sectors.

At the conclusion of her mission, Yenny shared her assessment with the entire UNDP Indonesia team, offering strategic recommendations to enhance gender equality results. Her guidance emphasized expanding pipeline development for gender-focused initiatives, particularly in areas like inclusive human development, economic transformation, and resilience to climate change and disasters.

John Kimani Kirari, UNDP’s Programmatic Quality Assurance Specialist and a member of UNDP Indonesia’s Gender Task Force member, said,” The exercise mission from BRH Gender Specialist to the Indonesia country office was an opportunity to review the extent to which we are on track to fulfilling the requirements for renewing the Gender Seal. Her assessment showed us the areas we are doing well and those where more work is needed.

UNDP Indonesia remains at the forefront of promoting gender equality, women’s empowerment, and social inclusion. The strategic insights from this mission are instrumental in helping the CO maintain its high standards and continue making meaningful progress in these critical areas.

Written by Pramudita Lestari 
Edited by Enggi Dewanti and Wiryawan Nimpuno