
the Constitutional Court to guarantee rights

graphical user interface, text, application

PROJECT OWNER: UNDP Dominican Republic

At UNDP, we have supported the Dominican Government in strengthening systems and instruments to guarantee access to and the efficiency of justice systems. Within the framework of collaboration with the Dominican Constitutional Court , we have supported the improvement of its internal management mechanisms and supported its administrative capacities with the development and implementation of a jurisdictional Balanced Scorecard and by renewing the institution's IT assets to provide services that guarantee more efficient and effective justice.


Within the framework of the Services Agreement between the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the updating of the Document Transparency System (TRANSDOC) of the SIGOB Regional project is established, to accompany the process of expansion and updating of the system, which is partially operational in that institution.

The efficient use of the System and technological updates and changes in institutional structures require the participation of the UNDP-SIGOB team to support the expansion processes to other areas, the updating of support software, the creation of the historical archive and support for the implementation of new functionalities.


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