Gender mainstreaming for effective governance


Project will contribute to strengthening policy framework and development of human capacities for integration of gender equality principles in the work of Parliament and public administration. In turn, this will contribute to the citizens’ wellbeing, economic development and growth, as well as country’s capacities for the EU accession process. For both the Parliament and public administration, gender mainstreaming knowledge and policies in place are severely lacking. The project offers substantive capacity development intervention based on thorough assessment and situation analyses, needs-based tailored education, accountability framework and milestones for gender mainstreaming in institutions. Institutionalisation of gender mainstreaming will be fuelled by global UNDP knowledge framework developed as Gender Equality Seal for Public institutions.


Project objective is to develop and integrate gender mainstreaming as principal policy for achieving effective governance and strong institutions. We’ll do so by making gender equality perspective an integral part of day-to-day activities, where decisions are made, resources are allocated, and norms are created. Inclusive development and democratic governance are crucial for restoring confidence in public institutions, strengthening accountability and enhancing the sustainability and responsiveness of public policies, conditions that are now fundamental to the achievement of the global Agenda 2030, SDG 5 and SDG16.


·         Assessment of knowledge, perceptions and attitudes on gender equality issues in the Parliament and Government, and analysis of work practices on gender equality issues; providing best possible guidance’s to ensure a gender equality dimension in decision-making processes;

·         Development and adoption of Gender Mainstreaming Platforms for Government and Parliament of Montenegro: accountability framework and milestones for gender mainstreaming; regulatory frameworks for gender mainstreaming; development programme for increased capacities; quality assurance and monitoring mechanisms; gathering and sharing experience and knowledge about practical implementation of gender mainstreaming; strengthening partnerships with CSOs and media; - while applying the existing practices and lessons learned from UNDP Public Gender Equality Seal;

·         Apply needs-driven development work on acceleration of effective governance and strong institutions in identified priority areas of concern for gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment – violence against women; gender equality and decision making; women’s entrepreneurship; gender responsive budgeting;

·         Capacity development for civil servants through close partnership with the Government Human Resource Agency;

·         Strengthening oversight role of the Parliament and enhancing knowledge on gender mainstreaming;

·         Dissemination of knowledge to civil servants and parliamentarians through thematic forums with UNDP experts: gender mainstreaming in social protection; gender in macroeconomic policies; gender and taxation; gender and decision making etc. 

Expected results:

·      Developed strategic guidelines and established strong gender mainstreaming systems in the Parliament and Government of Montenegro.

·      Enhanced knowledge and capacities for liable and competent implementation of the gender mainstreaming in the Government and Parliament.

·      Created supportive and enabling environments for institutional transformation; boosted cultural change and made better linkages between women’s equal participation and leadership in public administration.

·      Legislative and public policy frameworks assure responsiveness towards gender equality concerns and integrate women’s concerns and needs in policy design; closed gender gaps and assured inclusive democratic governance.

·      Created positive synergies among Governmental and Parliamentary work on gender mainstreaming in policy and legislation development. 

·      Offered methods, models and interactive tools to simplify and provide quality assurance of gender mainstreaming as a guiding principle in public administration reforms.