Youth empowerment

Today’s 1.45 billion young people (aged 18 to 29), the largest youth generation ever, are actively shaping the world. They are digitally connected, passionate about bringing change, and increasingly driving social, political, and economic progress in their local communities and beyond.

However, significant challenges remain. Young people, in particular young women and girls, face disproportionate obstacles across the globe.  In many countries, young people face exclusion based on their age, often intersecting with other forms of marginalization linked to gender, location and background, undermining development and social cohesion. Across the world, outdated norms continue to sideline and silence youth, denying them of their rights and crucial role in shaping and implementing policies and decisions that affect them and future generations.

UNDP recognizes the immense potential of young people as positive agents of change and supports governments, civil society actors, and youth-led networks, in creating an enabling environment with a focus on:

  • Inclusive Governance: Young people have a right to influence decisions impacting their lives. UNDP promotes and supports meaningful youth participation at all levels, from local to global, to strengthen democratic processes.
  • Meaningful Action: From tackling unemployment and leading climate action to building peace and development processes, young people are driving positive change. UNDP provides them with the resources and support to thrive and participate in SDG integration, implementation, and monitoring.
  • Sustainable Future: Innovation thrives through fresh perspectives. UNDP empowers young minds to champion a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful future through capacity building, mentoring, financial support, and by strengthening global networks through outreach, advocacy, and thought leadership.

UNDP’s commitment to youth empowerment is multifaceted. UNDP advocates and promotes inclusive policies, invests in youth leadership development, and cultivates global networks for collaboration.

Invest in Youth. Invest in Our Future. Partner with UNDP to unlock the transformative power of this generation and build inclusive and resilient societies together. Follow @UNDP4Youth on X and Instagram and visit UNDP Global Youth space.

Use the hashtags: #Youth2030 | #Youth4Peace | #Youth4Climate | | #Generation17