Pakistan’s SDG Investor Map 2023

Pakistan’s SDG Investor Map 2023
August 9, 2023
The 2030 Agenda and SDGs have the potential to serve as a global framework for private actors to benefits from the trade-offs of sustainable development. To spur private sector investment and to mobilise global private capital towards SDG aligned investments, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Pakistan in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan, has prepared the country’s first ever Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Investor Map.
The SDG Investor Map is a dynamic impact intelligence tool. It identifies a range of market-specific investment opportunities for SDG-aligned capital deployment which is backed by Pakistan-specific data and evidence. The SDG Investor Map translates national SDG needs, government policy priorities, and commitments into actionable investment opportunity areas.
The map can make significant contribution towards bridging the gap in development financing, contributing to national financing framework, mobilizing private capital for post-pandemic and natural disasters’ development needs and recovery, and accelerating the SDGs achievement.
As part of the process, UNDP Pakistan in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Board of Investment and other stakeholders as a whole-of-government approach launched the Pakistan SDG Investment Report 2021 (Leveraging Private Investments for Pakistan’s Sustainable Development: Pakistan SDG Investment Report 2021 | United Nations Development Programme ( The report illustrates a joint Government/UNDP policy vision to mobilize and leverage Pakistan’s development financing for the COVID-19 recovery aligned with the SDGs. It identifies priority and investment-ready development sectors, such as climate change, energy, basic services of health and education, infrastructure, information technology, as well as a mapping of flexible investment options to global investors. This process culminated in the SDG Investor Map.