The Iraq SDG Investor Map

The Iraq SDG Investor Map

June 2, 2024

The collaborative effort between the Republic of Iraq's Ministry of Planning (MoP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq, and UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (ICPSD) has led to the development of “Iraq’s SDG Investor Map”. This flagship product marks the culmination of an in-depth report on investment opportunities and conditions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in target markets and sectors. This comprehensive map presents profitable investment opportunities that meet sustainable development needs and national policy priorities. It leverages the development priorities of the previous National Development Plan and aims to inform the upcoming new National Development Plan covering 2024-2028. The Iraq SDG Investor Map adopts a holistic approach to sustainable investments in the country, encompassing climate resilience, social cohesion, economic diversification, reconstruction, and the revitalization of the manufacturing sector. It employs an SDG-sensitive investor lens to encompass all regions of the Republic of Iraq.

Document Type
Regions and Countries