Together We Paint for Generation Restoration

Young Artists Unite for World Environment Day 2024 at UNDP Bangladesh

June 5, 2024

Young artists display their collaborative "Generation Restoration" artwork during World Environment Day 2024 at UNDP Bangladesh, guided by Masuda Khan (center).

©UNDP Bangladesh

June 4, 2024, was a special day for UNDP Bangladesh as the winners of the "Earth Day" art competition, gathered in their premises to celebrate World Environment Day 2024. United in their purpose, they painted on the theme of this year’s Environment Day, "Generation Restoration,". 

Under the guidance of UNDP's SDG socialiser, Masuda Khan, popularly known as “Masu Ake”, the young artists wielded their brushes to create a vivid portrayal of a recovering world.

The art carnival kicked off in April, around Earth Day 2024 when Masuda Khan called for art submissions on the theme of Mother Earth's well-being. Within just three days, over 50 submissions were received, and the top 10 were selected for recognition.

Inspired by Masuda Khan, the diverse group of young artists shared their dreams of a better world and collectively painted their vision on a 'canvas for change.'

Young artists work on a collaborative "Generation Restoration" painting during the World Environment Day 2024 event at UNDP Bangladesh.

©UNDP Bangladesh

Prova who is in her second year of Higher Secondary education shared her feelings while painting, “I think art is the best way of expression. And I would like to express my climate-related concerns through paintings.”

On the other hand, Srijoni Chakma a girl from Rangamati told us she considers herself a representative of her community and tries to uphold their diversity in her works. “I think this is an opportunity to show the importance of protecting our land in hill tracts to protect the environment,” she said. 

Their collaborative effort on the canvas highlighted the critical need to revive our land. The painting depicted the plight of polar bears suffering from climate change, while also showing children planting trees to restore balance and reclaim green spaces.

The event concluded with an award-giving ceremony and a sense of accomplishment and hope as the young artists stood proudly by their creations. Their artwork not only captured the urgency of environmental restoration but also embodied the collective dream of a healthier, greener planet.

Together, we paint our vision of a healthier, greener planet, highlighting the urgent need for environmental restoration." – UNDP Bangladesh's World Environment Day 2024 Celebration.