2023 Annual Report - Double Down

2023 Annual Report - Double Down

June 12, 2024

2023 was the mid-point to the SDGs timeline. As with most countries, Zimbabwe has made achievements towards achieving its targets, however, more still needs to be done. 

We’re unfazed by this challenge – and we remain a steadfast partner, connecting people, ideas, and resources. So, in 2023, we doubled down on efforts that have a multiplier effect on the rest of the SDGs.

]Together with various partners, our interventions are driving progress on all the People, Planet, Prosperity, and Peace aspects of the #2030Goals. 

We're proud to have empowered 540,000 farmers with climate-smart practices, kept 20,000 girls in school, brought clean energy to 19 new health facilities, brought sustainable cooking in 150 households, and helped communities save and reinvest $260,000.

These are just a few highlights from our work in 2023. This report goes beyond statistics. We share the stories of remarkable people and communities driving these changes.

Find out more in the 2023 UNDP Zimbabwe Annual Report titled - "Double Down".

The report is available as an online interactive version OR a downloadable pdf version.