Gender Equality in Pakistan: Climatic & Politico-Economic Stressors

Gender Equality in Pakistan: Climatic & Politico-Economic Stressors

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Gender Equality in Pakistan: Climatic & Politico-Economic Stressors

January 24, 2023

Turning the Tide for Equality

"Transformational change can be brought about for Pakistan’s women by directly and inclusively targeting gender parity stressors with policy solutions and structural interventions."

UNDP’s Human Development Report 2021-2022, entitled ‘Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World’, reveals that in a ‘stunning first’, the world’s Human Development Index (HDI) value has declined for two years in a row because of a combined impact of disease, disaster, and economic downturn. New outbreaks of the Zika virus, monkey pox, and the West Nile Fever have joined COVID-19 and its many variants in becoming a cause for global concern. Climate change is pushing weather disasters to new extremes since mid-2020, such as the recent floods in Pakistan, wildfires in the US,torrential rains in Australia and Indonesia, and a megadrought in Brazil. Inflation and currency depreciation is rampant all over the world, with global growth projected to sharply decelerate in 2023, at rates preceded only by the global recessions of 2009 and 2020.

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