SDG 6: Legislative, Policy, and Institutional Gap Analysis for Balochistan

SDG 6: Legislative, Policy, and Institutional Gap Analysis for Balochistan
June 19, 2024
This document is based on a study conducted in Balochistan with an objective to identifying issues and gaps in the legislative, policy, and institutional frameworks which potentially affect the province’s progress on Goal-6 (Water and Sanitation for All). This report discusses various arrangements concerning the existing legislative, policy, and institutional frameworks which impact steady implementation of Goal-6 in Balochistan. The report also gives an overview of the legal instruments, as well as policy and institutional arrangements regarding water at the federal level. As per the objectives of the study, this document presents an analysis of the existing legislative, policy, and institutional arrangements for the relevant stakeholder departments to identify gaps and lacunae relevant to their mandates so as to improve service delivery of water supply and sanitation in the province.
This report attempts to present the data and information gathered under different, appropriately designed headings. At first, the document gives the background and scope of the study conducted. The scope is followed by an account of the methodology adopted for the study which then is followed by an introduction of the existing water and sanitation situation in the country as well as in the province.
The report also presents a background on the existing international framework on water which is a basis of the global commitment on Goal-6 to address global situation on water and sanitation. The report also provides a background in light of the Constitution of Pakistan as well as the legal and policy regimes at the federal level so as to attach significance to the national and provincial legal, policy, and institutional arrangements with regard to water and sanitation in the country. The relevant segment describes the institutional arrangements at federal and provincial levels to manage and regulate water sector followed by a detailed gap analysis.