Understanding Multidimensional Vulnerabilities: Impact on People of Sri Lanka
What is the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI)?

MVI Dimensions and Indicators for Sri Lanka
The MVI assesses vulnerability in three critical dimensions: Education, Health and Disaster, and Living Standards. The three dimensions are measured by 12 indicators. By combining the deprivations encountered by each household in each of these 12 indicators, the MVI presents a picture of vulnerability.
Key Findings
Where did we get our data from?
The MVI relies on data from the National Citizen Survey 2022-23. Furthermore, the analysis in this report is substantiated by the findings of a series of FGDs conducted in August 2023 across all nine provinces, specifically targeting women (housewives/mothers), informal sector workers (men/women), people with disabilities (PwDs)/parents or caregivers for PwDs, and youth (engaged in higher education).
The survey was designed to assess the vulnerabilities of Sri Lankans in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis. A total of 25,000 households covering 25 districts were surveyed, and the questionnaire was pre-tested through a pilot survey targeting 50 households. The results and feedback from the pilot survey were used to fine-tune and refine the questionnaire and data collection methodology. The survey covers a range of topics, many using perceptual questions, to provide insights into the households living situations and coping strategies.
District Profiles
Based on the data from UNDP's National Citizen Survey 2022-2023 and Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) 2023 (developed together with OPHI), and the National Multidimensional Poverty Index 2019, the District Profiles provide district-specific overviews of socio-economic context and multidimensional vulnerability.