HCFC Phase-out in Uzbekistan

Project summary:

The main purpose of the project is to accelerate HCFC (Hydrocloroflorocarbon - ozone depleting substances) phase-out to achieve the 2020 compliance objectives and prepare national capacity to sustainably reduce the servicing tail by 2030. Facilitation of implementation of upgraded national legislation on control of import/export and use of HCFCs, other ozone depleting sunstances (ODS) and ODS alternatives; improvement of Customs capacity on import/export control and temporary storage of seized refrigerants; demonstration of zero-ODS and low-GWP energy efficient cooling technologies in various sectors of the economy both private and public; completing the upgrading and strengthening of the servicing sector capacity including recovery/recycling/reclamation of refrigerants. The project will also discuss resource mobilization from International Financial Institutions and Bilateral Agencies and local stakeholders to increase the investment to the RAC sector; conduct comprehensive outreach activities to increase understanding of ozone-related issues with a wide cross-section of stakeholders and end users. Gender mainstreaming will also be addressed across various components to involve women in the business of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.

Expected results:

Component 1: National legislation and capacity building of customs and enforcement officers on control of HCFC and ODS alternatives import/export;

Component 2: Strengthening the HCFC re-use system and implementation of demonstration projects on HCFC replacement;

Component 3: Outreach and Resource Mobilization;

Component 4: Gender Mainstreaming and Monitoring & Evaluation.