A city bus drives down a wide avenue with modern buildings and trees lining the street.

Tashkent - Accelerating Investments in Low Emission Vehicles (TAILEV)

Tashkent - Accelerating Investments in Low Emission Vehicles (TAILEV)

Project Summary: 

Contributing Outcome (UNSDCF/CPD, RPD, GPD): This project aligns with the UNSDCF for Uzbekistan for 2021-2025, contributing to Outcome 5: By 2025, most at risk regions and communities of Uzbekistan are more resilient to climate change and disasters, and benefit from increasingly sustainable and efficient management of natural resources and infrastructure, better climate action, environmental governance and protection and Output 1.5: Innovative and sustainable climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in agriculture, health water, transport and building/housing sectors are implemented at national and regional levels.

Main objectives:

To accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in the City of Tashkent that can be replicated in other cities in the Republic of Uzbekistan, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector, and improve urban environmental quality

Expected results:

  • Outcome 1: The government establishes an institutional framework and adopts a strategy for the promotion of genderinclusive low-carbon electric mobility and Green Urban Transport Corridors (GUTC).

  • Outcome 2: Pilot project in Tashkent to provide evidence of technical, financial and environmental sustainability to plan for scale-up of low-carbon e-mobility and GUTCs

  • Outcome 3: Conditions are created to shift market towards low-carbon e-mobility and accelerate adoption of e-vehicles and GUTCs.

  • Outcome 4: Measures are developed to ensure the long-term environmental sustainability of e-vehicles and GUTCs

Project Indicators: 

  • Cumulative direct emission reductions (20,700 tCO2e)

  • Cumulative direct reduction of pollutant loads by 10% (CO, NOx and NH) along the GUTC.

  • Adopted 5 gender-inclusive policies and plans at national and municipal levels that increase the number of electric vehicles and develop the GUTC taking into account gender aspects;

  • Adopted 3 gender-inclusive national policies and regulations to support the growth and increase the use of electric vehicles and develop the GUTC taking into account gender aspects;

  • Development of new norms and standards for electric vehicle transport and development of GUTC in Uzbekistan

  • Adoption of a national policy in the field of electric vehicle transport and GUTC

  • 30 kilometers of the established pilot corridor of GUTC

  • An operating fleet of 30 electric buses and fast charging stations in the territory of Tashkent

  • Development of a guide for the procurement, operation and maintenance of a fleet of electric vehicle transport

  • A training program on gender-inclusive development of electric vehicles and green urban transport for higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan

  • Adoption of guidelines for the accounting, write-off, reuse and recycling of batteries of electric vehicle transport and business models with extended supplier responsibility for infrastructure and components of electric vehicle transport