Global Fund Programme Management Unit, Annual Report

Global Fund Programme Management Unit, Annual Report
October 21, 2024
UNDP has partnered with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Zimbabwe since 2009. During New Funding Mechanism 3 (NFM3), UNDP continued to serve as PR for the HIV grant and Fund Administrator (FA) for the TB and Malaria grants. At the same time, the Ministry of Health and Child Care was the Malaria and TB PR for the three-year grant period (2021-2023). Despite the severity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, its transmission and prevalence in Zimbabwe have been on the decline. This has been demonstrated through a steady decline in the number of AIDS-related deaths per 100,000 population from 319/100,000 in 2016 to 120.7 in 2022. As of the end of December 2023, 1,233,934 of the targeted adults and children with HIV infection were reported to have received antiretroviral therapy. The total actual cumulative expenditure for 2021-2023 was USD 416,250,559.64 against an approved budget of USD 481,541,897.00, representing an in-country absorption rate of 97%. UNDP facilitated disbursements to the MOHCC for TB (2), COVID-19 Malaria, and Malaria (3) grants and supported all health and non-health procurements. This annual report comprehensively captures the results of the strategic actions and programmatic interventions of the UNDP and Global Fund Project in 2023.