Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in Cambodia

Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in Cambodia
November 19, 2020
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases and their risk factors are increasing challenges to public health and development in Cambodia. This investment case finds that they currently cost Cambodia an estimated 6.6 percent of GDP annually.
Implementing a set of WHO-recommended measures would restore more than KHR 1.7 trillion (US$ 417 million) in economic productivity over 15 years, far exceeding the cost of implementation. More importantly, doing so would avert more than 180,000 deaths and lead to nearly 700,000 healthy life-years gained.
This investment case presents analyses of the economic burden of NCDs in Cambodia, the cost of implementing four packages of NCD policy and clinical measures, and the health and economic benefits of doing so.
The investment case was developed by UNDP, the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, with support from the Russian Federation, as part of a global joint programme on Catalyzing Multisectoral Action on NCDs .
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