Executive Board

Annual session 2017 - Advance documentation

Please note that the following documents are advance copies subject to change in the final versions. Once the documents are issued in the official languages, a link is established to final language versions which are available on the Official Document System of the United Nations(link is external) (ODS).


Item 1. Organizational matters
DP/2017/L.2Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplanDocument(link is external) (all languages)
DP/2017/13Report of the first regular session 2017 
DP/2017/14Decisions adopted at the first regular session 2017 
Item 2. Annual report of the Administrator
DP/2017/15Cumulative review of the strategic plan and annual report of the Administrator for 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 1Development and institutional report cards English
Annex 2Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) methodology and 2016 resultsEnglish
Annex 3UNDP footprint and programme expenditure by source of fundsEnglish
Annex 42012-2016 QCPR implementationEnglish
DP/2017/15/Add.1Report of UNDP on the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit in 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
Annexes English
DP/2017/15/Add.2Statistical annexEnglish
Item 3. Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
DP/2017/16Cumulative review of the UNDP integrated budget, 2014-2017 Document(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 1Tables 1-6English
Annex 2List of cost recovery-related waivers granted during 2014-2016English
Annex 3Supplementary information with respect to resources for external oversight and assuranceEnglish
Item 4. UNDP strategic plan, 2018-2021
DP/2017/CRP.2UNDP strategic plan, 2018-2021 (zero draft)English
Item 5. Gender equality at UNDP
DP/2017/18Annual report on the implementation of the UNDP gender equality strategy in 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
Item 7. Country programmes and related matters
DP/2017/19 Extensions of country programmesDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
results matrix
Evaluation PlanCP results summary
 Draft country programme document for CameroonEnglish   
DP/DCP/CMR/3Country programme document for CameroonFinal document(link is external)FrançaisEnglishADR(link is external)
Item 8. Evaluation
DP/2017/20Annual report on evaluation, 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Full report(link is external) 
 Management commentaries on the annual report on evaluation, 2016English
DP/2017/21Joint assessment of the institutional effectiveness of UNDPDocument(link is external) (all languages)
 Full report(link is external) 
DP/2017/22Management response to the joint assessment of the institutional effectiveness of UNDPDocument(link is external) (all languages)
Deferred to the second regular session 2017
Evaluation of the UNDP strategic plan, global and regional programmes 
Deferred to the second regular session 2017
Management response to the evaluation of the UNDP strategic plan, global and regional programme 
Item 9. United Nations Capital Development Fund
DP/2017/25Integrated annual report on results for 2016 and cumulative report on the strategic framework, 2014-2017Document(link is external) (all languages)
AnnexUNCDF Integrated results and resources matrix, 2014-2017 (results as of 2016)English




Item 14. United Nations Office for Project Services
DP/OPS/2017/2Annual report of the Executive DirectorDocument(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 1Global Reporting Initiative content indexEnglish
Annex 2Results framework and management resultsEnglish
Annex 3Financial highlightsEnglish
Annex 4Annual report on the recommendations of the Joint Inspection UnitEnglish



Item 15. Internal audit and oversight
DP/2017/26UNDP: Report on internal audit and investigationsDocument(link is external) (all languages)
 Annual report of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee for the calendar year 2016English
 Terms of reference of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory CommitteeEnglish
 Management response to the UNDP report on internal audit and investigations for 2016, including the report of the Audit Advisory Committee for 2016English
DP/OPS/2017/3UNOPS: Activity report for 2016 of the Internal Audit and Investigations GroupDocument(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 1Unresolved audit recommendations issued more than 18 months before 31 December 2016English
Annex 2Titles of all internal audit reports issued during the year 2016English
Annex 3Audit Advisory Committee - annual report 2016English
Annex 4Reports issued by the Internal Audit and Investigation Group in 2016 that resulted in findings of misconductEnglish
Annex 5Criteria supporting IAIG's opinionEnglish
Annex 6Key areas for improvement identified in audit reportsEnglish
 Management response to the activity report for 2016 of IAIG and the activities of the Ethics Officer in 2016English
Item 16. Reports of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS Ethics Offices
DP/2017/27Activities of the UNDP Ethics Office in 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Management response to the report of the Ethics Office for 2016English
DP/OPS/2017/4Activities of the UNOPS Ethics Officer in 2016Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Management response to the activity report for 2016 of IAIG and the activities of the Ethics Officer in 2016English
Item 17. Field visits
Deferred to the second regular session 2017
Report on the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP to Nepal 

Joint meeting of the Executive Boards (19 June 2017)

PaperSmart portal(link is external)
Provisional agendaEnglish
Operationalizing the decisions of the new quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities of the United Nations system (taking specifically into consideration climate change and building resilience)English
United Nations working together on youth across the Sustainable Development GoalsEnglish