Executive Board

Second regular session 2020 - Advance documentation


Please note that the following documents are advance copies subject to change in the final versions. Once the documents are issued in the official languages, a link is established to final language versions which are available on the Official Document System of the United Nations(link is external) (ODS).


To download all the UNDP and UNOPS second regular session 2020 documents in their entirety, please click here(link is external).
Item 1. Organizational matters
DP/2020/L.3Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplanDocument(link is external) (all languages)
DP/2020/18Report of the annual session 2020 
 Report of the Joint meeting of the Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP (29 May 2020)English
DP/2020/19Decisions adopted at the annual session 2020 
DP/2020/CRP.2Draft annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2021English
Item 7. Structured funding dialogue
DP/2020/20Structured dialogue on financing the results of the UNDP Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 Document(link is external) (all languages)
Annex IDetailed annual review of the financial situation, 2019English
 Appendices I-V 
 Appendix VI 
Annex IIProgress against entity-specific commitments to the funding compactEnglish
DP/2020/24Annual review of the financial situation of the United Nations Capital Development Fund, 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)



Item 9. Country programmes and related matters
DP/2020/23Extensions of country programmes Document(link is external) (all languages)  
DP/2020/23/Add.1Addendum Document(link is external) (all languages)  
   UNSDCF (or
results matrix)
Evaluation PlanICPE
 Africa region
DP/DCP/SWZ/4Draft country programme document for EswatiniEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for EswatiniDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/UGA/5Draft country programme document for UgandaEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for UgandaDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
 Asia-Pacific region    
DP/DCP/CHN/4/Corr.1CorrigendumDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/IDN/4Draft country programme document for IndonesiaEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for IndonesiaDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/IDN/4/Corr.1CorrigendumDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/TLS/3Draft country programme document for Timor-LesteEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for Timor-LesteDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/TLS/3/Corr.1CorrigendumDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
 Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States  
DP/DCP/BLR/4Draft country programme document for BelarusEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for BelarusDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/BIH/4Draft country programme document for Bosnia and HerzegovinaEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for Bosnia and HerzegovinaDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/KAZ/4Draft country programme document for KazakhstanEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Final country programme document for KazakhstanDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/SRB/3Draft country programme document for SerbiaEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for SerbiaDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/SRB/3/Add.1Addendum. Results and resources framework for Kosovo*English  ICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Addendum. Final results and resources framework for Kosovo*Document(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/TUR/4Draft country programme document for TurkeyEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for TurkeyDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
DP/DCP/TKM/3Draft country programme document for TurkmenistanEnglishEnglishEnglishICPE(link is external)
 Final country programme document for TurkmenistanDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
 Latin America and the Caribbean region    
DP/DCP/COL/3Draft country programme document for ColombiaEnglishEspañolEspañolICPE(link is external)
 Comments from Member States    
 Final country programme document for ColombiaDocument(link is external) (all languages)   
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).   



Item 8. Evaluation
DP/2020/13Annual report on evaluation, 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Full report(link is external) 
 Management commentaries on the annual report on evaluation, 2019English
DP/2020/21Evaluation of UNDP development cooperation in middle-income countries Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Full evaluation(link is external) 
DP/2020/22Management response to the evaluation of UNDP development cooperation in middle-income countries English
Item 11. United Nations Capital Development Fund
DP/2020/15Midterm review of the United Nations Capital Development Fund strategic framework, 2018-2021, including the annual report on results achieved by UNCDF in 2019 Document(link is external) (all languages)
AnnexUNCDF Integrated results and resources matrix, 2019English
Item 10. United Nations Volunteers
DP/2020/14United Nations Volunteers: Report of the AdministratorDocument(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 12019 United Nations entities hosting UN VolunteersEnglish
Annex 2Statistical overview of UN Volunteers, 2019English
Annex 3UNV financial overview, 2019English
Annex 4Annual performance indicators, 2019English
Annex 5Midterm Performanp indicators, cumulative 2018-2019English
Annex 6Strategic Framework Results Matrix - Compendium of proposed adjustments based on midterm reviewEnglish



Item 15. Annual report of the Executive Director
DP/OPS/2020/5Midterm review of the UNOPS strategic plan, 2018-2021 Document(link is external) (all languages)
DP/OPS/2020/6Annual statistical report on the procurement activities of United Nations system, 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)



Item 2. Internal audit and investigation
DP/2020/16UNDP: Annual report of the Office of Audit and Investigations on internal audit and investigation activities in 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Annual report of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee for the calendar year 2019English
 Terms of reference of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory CommitteeEnglish
 Management response to the UNDP reports on internal audit and investigation activities and activities of the Ethics Office for 2019, including the report of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee for 2019English
DP/OPS/2020/2UNOPS: Annual report of the Internal Audit and Investigations Group on internal audit and investigations activities in 2019 Document(link is external) (all languages)
Annex 1Unresolved audit recommendations issued more than 18 months before 31 December 2019English
Annex 2Titles of internal audit reports issued during the year 2019English
Annex 3Audit Advisory Committee - annual report 2019English
Annex 4Summary of substantiated investigation cases in 2019English
Annex 5Criteria supporting the overall opinionEnglish
Annex 6Internal audit and investigations CharterEnglish
 Management response to the 2019 annual reports on internal audit, investigations and ethicsEnglish
Item 3. Ethics
DP/2020/17Activities of the UNDP Ethics Office in 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Management response to the UNDP reports on internal audit and investigation activities and activities of the Ethics Office for 2019, including the report of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee for 2019English
DP/OPS/2020/3Activities of the UNOPS Ethics and Compliance Office in 2019Document(link is external) (all languages)
 Management response to the 2019 annual reports on internal audit, investigations and ethicsEnglish
Item 5. Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
DP/FPA-ICEF-UNW/2020/1Joint comprehensive proposal on the cost-recovery policyDocument(link is external) (all languages)
Item 6. Working methods of the Executive Board 
 Working methods of the Executive Boards: proposed workplans for 2021