Executive Board

Second regular session 2014 - Advance documentation


Item 1. Organizational matters
DP/2014/L.3Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplanDocument(link is external)
DP/2014/18Report of the annual session 2014 
DP/2014/19Decisions adopted at the annual session 2014 
DP/2014/CRP.2Draft annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2015English
Item 2. Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
DP/2014/20Annual review of the financial situation, 2013Document(link is external)
Annexes English
DP/2014/20/Add.1Detailed information relating to the annual review of the financial situation, 2013English
Item 3. Funding commitments
DP/2014/21Status of regular resources funding commitments to UNDP and its funds and programmes for 2014 and onwardsDocument(link is external)
Annexes English
Item 4. Country programmes and related matters
 Country programmes for approval by the Executive Board (decisions 2001/11 and  2006/36):

Africa region(link is external) (Angola, the Comoros)
Arab States region(link is external) (Kuwait, Tunisia)
Latin America and the Caribbean region(link is external) (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of))
results matrix
Evaluation PlanCP results summary
DP/2014/22Extensions of country programmesDocument(link is external)   
DP/DCP/SLE/3Draft country programme document for Sierra LeoneEnglishEnglishEnglishADR(link is external)
 Country programme document for Sierra LeoneFinal document(link is external)   
DP/DCP/AFG/3Draft country programme document for AfghanistanEnglishEnglishEnglishADR(link is external)
 Comments from Member StatesEnglish   
 Country programme document for AfghanistanFinal document(link is external)   
DP/DCP/TLS/2Draft country programme document for Timor-LesteEnglishEnglishEnglishADR(link is external)
 Country programme document for Timor-LesteFinal document(link is external)   
WithdrawnDraft country programme document for Iraq    
DP/DCP/BIH/3Draft country programme document for Bosnia and HerzegovinaEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Comments from Member StatesEnglish   
 Country programme document for Bosnia and HerzegovinaFinal document(link is external)   
DP/DCP/ECU/2Draft country programme document for EcuadorEnglishEspañolEnglishEnglish
 Comments from Member StatesEnglish   
 Country programme document for EcuadorFinal document(link is external)   
DP/DCP/PRY/2Draft country programme document for ParaguayEnglishEspañolEnglishADR(link is external)
 Country programme document for ParaguayFinal document(link is external)   
Item 14. Implementation of the QCPR
 Achieving critical mass for development successEnglish
Item 15. Other matters
DP/2014/23Global Environment Facility: amendments to GEF Instrument - Note by the AdministratorDocument(link is external)   



Item 10. United Nations Office for Project Services
DP/OPS/2014/5Annual statistical report on the procurement activities of the United Nations system, 2013Document(link is external)
 Annual statistical report on the procurement activities of the United Nations system, 2013 - Full reportEnglish



Item 11. Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
DP-FPA-OPS/2014/1Report of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS on joint procurement activitiesDocument(link is external)
Item 12. Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting
DP/2014/24-DP/FPA/2014/16Report on the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSDocument(link is external)
Item 13. Field visits
DP-FPA/2014/CRP.2Report on the field visit to Fiji and SamoaDocument(link is external)
DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF-UNW-WFP/2014/CRP.8Report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP to Panama and El SalvadorEnglish