CUMPLE: Task Management System
PROJECT OWNER: UNDP América Latina y El Caribe
CUMPLE is a method and work tool designed to organize and facilitate the management of tasks, commitments, agreements, measures, and compliance instructions in the short term with quick execution. It allows organizing workgroups and creating thematic groups to monitor instructions/tasks given by the authority, ensuring their timely and proper fulfilment. Additionally, it enables fast feedback to adapt and optimize efforts constantly and in real time.
CUMPLE is a method and work tool designed to organize and facilitate the management of tasks, commitments, agreements, measures, and compliance instructions in the short term with quick execution. It allows organizing workgroups and creating thematic groups to monitor instructions/tasks given by the authority, ensuring their timely and proper fulfilment. Additionally, it enables fast feedback to adapt and optimize efforts constantly and in real time.
¿What is the Context?
Government authorities face daily challenges in coordinating work teams and managing and monitoring tasks associated with institutional management issues that require close attention. Understanding this need, UNDP-SIGOB developed the CUMPLE System.
¿Who is the Task Management Module - CUMPLE For?
CUMPLE aims to support the management of governments at the national, subnational, and local levels that seek a methodology to manage various actions requiring close and organized monitoring by authorities and need to be completed in the short term with agile execution.
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