Reaching every Sri Lankan: Human Development Achievements and Challenges


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Reaching every Sri Lankan: Human Development Achievements and Challenges

February 27, 2023

The policy paper discusses achievements and challenges pertaining to human development in Sri Lanka. It analyses its current status and trends and provides background to the political, institutional and socio-economic reforms that have enhanced Sri Lanka’s human development in past decades, with an emphasis on the health and education sectors.

Sri Lanka has performed relatively well in terms of HDI since its introduction in 1990, largely due to early investments in the provision of universal access to basic education and basic healthcare. However, more recent developments, such as inequitable economic growth, regional disparities, and the growth of irregular and informal employment, have necessitated a review of the present state of human development in the country. Civil war, religious tensions and a history of insurrections are identified as some of the main barriers hindering socio-economic progress in the country.

This paper outlines some key development trends in Sri Lanka, emphasizing the need to concentrate on further policy development and other interventions to build on current achievements and address persisting challenges - particularly in view of achieving the SDGs by 2030.

Document Type
Regions and Countries