Development Impact
Transforming Gender Inequalities
The Gender Seal aims to transform gender inequalities. With a methodology rooted in learning and improving, organizations are supported in advancing results and impact that transform the lives of men and women for the better. Using UNDP’s six signature solutions and the UNDP Gender Equality Strategy as our guiding vision, organizations are supported to address changes in norms, cultural values, and power structures across all areas of work.

Ending Poverty
Gender Seal supports organizations and country offices to work towards ensuring universal and gender-responsive social protection and care services; Fiscal policies that work for gender equality; and expanded access to essential services, digital and other assets, and finance.
In Rwanda, UNDP is implementing the Gender Seal for the private sector with 22 influential companies – this work is reducing gender pay gaps, while increasing the number of women in decision-making positions and attracting women in male-dominated occupations.
The Gender Seal supports organizations and country offices to support women’s collective mobilization, voice and influence; working towards gender-responsive states; and achieving gender justice to realize rights.
In Pakistan, UNDP has influenced up to 8.441 million women to receive their National Identity Cards with the goal to support women’s greater engagement in national democratic processes.

The Gender Seal supports organizations and country offices to work on fully gender-responsive disaster risk reduction and management; Resilient economic recovery to advance gender equality through access to knowledge, land credit, technology, and women’s leadership; and full participation in peace and recovery processes.
As part of peace and recovery efforts in Burundi, UNDP is transforming women’s roles in their families and communities by shifting perceptions on care work and enabling women to manage public affairs.
The Gender Seal supports organization and country offices to ensure gender-responsive management of natural resources; Implementing gender equality in climate action plans; and climate finance for gender equality.
In Nepal, UNDP is advancing indigenous women’s control and stewardship of water sources, including by supporting 8,000 women to attain water management roles and addressing time poverty associated with water fetching.

The Gender Seal supports organizations and country offices to use energy access to unleash women’s economic empowerment and energy investments to reduce time poverty.
Through energy interventions in Yemen, UNDP is ensuring that women are well represented in control, decision-making and profit of energy assets, including solar Tuk Tuks, microgrids, and solar panels.
Gender Equality
The Gender Seal supports organizations and country offices to promote inclusive economies and the economic empowerment of women; equal power and representation; women’s leadership and full participation in peace and recovery; preventing and responding to gender- based violence; reversing the backlash against gender equality; changing negative social norms; and developing better data and analysis for policymaking.
In Jamaica, UNDP, as a part of the Spotlight Initiative to end Violence Against Women, has supported the adoption of the national Sexual harassment bill and the Domestic Violence Act.