UNDP Gender Seal Country Offices

From implementing quotas for women’s representation in government to promoting women in non-traditional sectors, UNDP Gender Seal Offices are transforming gender inequalities. More than 120 UNDP Country Offices have worked with the Gender Seal programme - check the interactive tool below to see how gender equality integration in all of UNDP's work has accelerated development impact.

animated map of all countries that have received a gender seal



UNDP Gender Seal Country Offices

Use the interactive tool to see how gender integration in all areas of work accelerates development impact.

The Gender Seal programme underscores that achieving transformative results for gender equality requires gender integration at all levels of an organization or country office. Use the tool below to click on different areas of work and see key achievements of UNDP offices in Management Systems, Capacities, Enabling environment, Knowledge Management and Communications, Programmes, Partnerships and Development Results and Impact.

Enabling Environment


UNDP Belarus

UNDP Belarus has matched finances with gender ambition, now with 93% of their programme expenditures working to advance gender equality.

UNDP China

UNDP China is co-owning gender goals with a Gender and Diversity Task Team with representation from all units and lead by the senior management.

UNDP Liberia

UNDP Liberia has a vision and plan to localize ambitious gender goals with a CO Gender Equality Strategy and action plan in place.

UNDP Uzbekistan

UNDP Uzbekistan has integrated gender into financial allocations, securing 86% of all programming expenditures to advance gender equality.


Meet the Gender Seal gold-certified country offices from the 2021-2023 round of the Seal and discover how their transformative initiatives are driving impactful change for gender equality. Click on the country links below to dive into their success stories.