Gender Equality Seal

for Development

Our mission

The UNDP Gender Equality Seal for Development is UNDP's flagship initiative to build gender capacities and achieve transformational gender equality results. The Gender Seal supports and incentivizes development organizations to integrate gender into all the work they do – proving that when you walk the talk on gender equality, your organization will strengthen its gender equality impact.



Our Reach

Discover all of our awarded development seals


animated map of all countries that have received a gender seal



What is the UNDP Gender Equality Seal?

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UNDP Country Offices have worked with the Seal


UNDP Gender Focal Teams driving the gender agenda


knowledge products produced annually on gender equality


UNDP offices voluntarily enrolled in the 2021-2023 Gender Seal.

More than


Retention rate of UNDP Country Offices in the Gender Seal programme


types of Gender Seal programmes – the Gender Seal for development, Gender Seal for the Private Sector, and the Gender Seal for Public Institutions