UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina

has achieved the Gold Gender Equality Seal Certification!

Since 1996, UNDP has partnered with Bosnian institutions to uplift communities and improve livelihoods. As a result of UNDP support, 4,500 women were engaged in social, economic, and political life and developed skills to engage in design of gender-sensitive policy measures and public services. Committed to eradicating poverty, combating gender inequality, and broadening opportunities, UNDP stands as a steadfast ally in Bosnia and Herzegovina's journey towards a more gender equal and sustainable future.

We are proud to be one of UNDP trailblazer offices reaching the highest corporate standard of excellence in gender equality. The Gender Equality Seal process was a great motivator that sharpened our vision and built our team’s commitment to address root causes of inequalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, both structural and those that stem from negative and limiting beliefs about women.” 

– Sylvain Merlen, Resident Representative a.i., UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Some key achievements include:

Placing women at the forefront of caring for people and planet:

UNDP's climate initiatives have positively impacted over 75,000 women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, positioning them as leading advocates in climate action. Moreover, the launch of the Feminist Action on Climate Justice Coalition signifies a bold step towards fast-tracking gender-equal climate solutions in the country through to 2026.

Unleashing opportunities to amplify women’s empowerment in energy efficiency:

UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina made a significant impact by directly empowering women, championing a gender-equal energy transition. This transformative action involved boosting energy efficiency in 57 public buildings, enhancing the work environment for 41,653 women; upskilling 1,500 female government officials in climate and energy management; and elevating the work environment for 309 women across 20 companies.

Strengthening collaborations with the private sector to champion gender equality:

UNDP led the introduction of the Gender Equality Seal for Private Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aiming to improve company policies and practices for gender equality, as well as spearheaded the first application of the Gender Equality Seal in Public Institutions, in collaboration with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, setting a new standard for gender equality initiatives.

Select good practices and innovations in advancing foundational elements of gender equality:

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UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina has established a reputation as a key partner in development, bringing the gender equality reflection in new fora, as attested by all range of partners with government, academia, media, think thanks, feminist networks, civil society organizations, and the private sector.

UNDP has created the avenues for strengthening women's voices and influence in policy-making and social affairs through the establishment of “The Women Forum for Development,” mobilizing more than 1200 women leaders across the country.

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A strong gender equality analysis underpins UNDP’s revised Country Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a results-driven strategic framework to reducing gender inequalities.

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The Country Office has significantly impacted national policies for gender equality, leading to the adoption of gender action plans in six municipalities, the establishment of local government gender focal systems, and the introduction of gender-responsive budgeting.

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In the area of communications, UNDP boasts a powerful social media engagement strategy, leveraging partners and influencers to highlight and tackle gender inequality issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, driving advocacy for change.

“The Gender Equality Seal is all about the journey of transformation. The most rewarding part is the creativity and team spirit it generated, and the partnerships it forged to act collectively towards improving gender outcomes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.” 

– Nera Monir Divan, Gender Advisor, UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina